最新原厂EC烧录器,支持ITE和ENE全系列 Original EC programmer supports the all series of ITE and ENE chips


购买后可以登录百优思云,下载各种EC ROM固件,进行刷写。

笔记本电脑中的EC(Embedded Controller,嵌入式控制器)是一个位于主板上的芯片,它是电脑系统的一部分,用于控制电源管理、温度传感器、风扇控制等硬件设备。如果EC出现问题,可能会导致以下一些现象:

  1. 电池不能充电或电池寿命显著下降。这是因为EC负责控制电池的充电和放电,如果EC出现问题,电池管理可能无法正常工作。
  2. 电脑风扇运行异常或电脑发热。EC也控制着电脑的风扇和温度传感器,如果EC出现问题,可能会导致风扇无法正常运转或温度传感器无法正确读取电脑的温度,从而导致电脑过热。
  3. 电脑不能启动或无法进入操作系统。EC控制电脑的启动过程,如果EC出现问题,电脑可能无法启动或无法进入操作系统。
  4. 电脑无法识别外部设备或USB设备无法正常工作。EC还负责控制电脑的USB接口,如果EC出现问题,可能会导致电脑无法识别外部设备或USB设备无法正常工作。
  5. 电脑时间不准确。EC也控制着电脑的实时时钟,如果EC出现问题,可能会导致电脑的时间不准确。





The latest original EC programmer supports the full range of ITE and ENE chips.

Original factory tools have better compatibility and are compatible with the entire series of original factory chips. ITE and ENE are fully covered. Please contact us to purchase.

After purchasing, you can log in to the BYS Cloud and download various EC ROM firmware for flashing.

The EC (Embedded Controller) in a laptop is a chip located on the motherboard. It is a part of the computer system and is responsible for controlling hardware devices such as power management, temperature sensors, and fan control. If there is a problem with the EC, it may cause the following symptoms:

-The battery cannot be charged or the battery life significantly decreases. This is because the EC is responsible for controlling the charging and discharging of the battery. If there is a problem with the EC, battery management may not work properly.

-The computer fan runs abnormally or the computer overheats. The EC also controls the computer’s fan and temperature sensor. If there is a problem with the EC, the fan may not operate normally or the temperature sensor may not read the computer’s temperature correctly, resulting in overheating.

-The computer cannot start or cannot enter the operating system. The EC controls the computer’s boot process. If there is a problem with the EC, the computer may not start or may not enter the operating system.

-The computer cannot recognize external devices or USB devices do not work properly. The EC is also responsible for controlling the computer’s USB interface. If there is a problem with the EC, the computer may not recognize external devices or USB devices may not work properly.

-The computer time is not accurate. The EC also controls the computer’s real-time clock. If there is a problem with the EC, the computer’s time may not be accurate.

If you experience any of the above problems, it may be due to a problem with the EC. In such cases, it is recommended to first flash the EC firmware, which can solve most problems.

If the problem still cannot be solved, consider replacing the EC. Generally, new ECs have not been programmed. Please log in to BYS Cloud to download the corresponding EC firmware program for your motherboard and then use a programmer to write the new EC.

To purchase, please join QQ group 220976 and contact customer service.

Alternatively, visit our Taobao store to make a purchase.